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Education System




Education Edge + Employment Edge

The power of American Corporate Education can catapult your child into the upper strata & ensure success always!

The GAP Filling Program

Our Syllabus is so regularly updated that our students are already studying the inventions of last week!


360° Corporate Development by our own in-house Q-Trainer

american corporate school


American Corporate Career Modules

Module 01
Healthy Corporate lifestyle

Module 02
Communication skills, telephone & email etiquette

Module 03
Body language and posture

Module 04
Handling peer pressure

Module 05
Travel etiquette & other concerns

Module 06
Dining etiquette

Module 07
Social mannerisms and General etiquette

Module 08
Office & corporate etiquette

Module 09
International corporate etiquette

Module 10
Accent and grammer correction

Module 11
Team building and leadership qualities

Module 12
Time management

Module 13
Code of dressing up & grooming

Module 14
Emotional quotient and emotional tolerance

Module 15
Duties & responsibilities at work, home, in public places

Module 16
Aptitute Testing

Module 17
Duty of care & balanced judgement

Module 18
Thought management

Module 19
Good health and nutrition tips and tricks

Module 20
Learning & studying skills

Module 21
Problem solving skills

Module 22
Elegance and grace

Module 23
Hygienic food preparation

Module 24
Traffic management

Module 25
Basic legal knowledge for everyone

Module 26
Dont’t be defensive & don’t be a people pleasure either

Module 27
Building your influence

Module 28
Stress management

Module 29
Confidence and overconfidence

Module 30

Module 31
Power speaking

Module 32
Sympathy and empathy

Module 33
Developing patience, courage and fearlessness

Module 34
Character – The window to your soul & charm

Module 35
Developing flair and charisma

Module 36
How to motive and be motivated

Module 37
Developing personal integrity and loyalty

Module 38

Module 39
Bridge the gap between your intentions & your Impact

Module 40
How to trust smartly & be free from suspicion

Module 41
Analytical skills

Module 42
Corporate hygiene

For effective teaching of the American Corporate System we provide every child with a PC and Tablet

american corporate school

american corporate school
american corporate school
american corporate school
american corporate school

But First,

The environment of every school should be such that the children do not strangle their Internal Resources. The SEQ environment (also known as the SEL environment) is common across schools in western world but very rare or even non existent in the Indian Schools probably because it is very expensive to implement it.

We wish to develop the SEQ of the children before we lose another generation of untapped innovative brilliance, therefore we have invested more than 250 crores in creating the infrastructure, syllabus, License fees and training institutes for the implementation & measurement of the EQ of each child (and staff members), as well as the school’s SEL environment!


What is SEQ?

Social Emotional Quotient is 80% of learning. I.Q. is only 20%

IQ is responsible for Hiring – SEQ for Firing… Our education system cannot ignore SEQ anymore!

Click + to find out more

What is SEQ

american corporate school

SEQ is a process for helping children and even adults develop the fundamental skills for life effectiveness. SEQ teaches the skills we all need to handle ourselves, our work, and our relationships effectively and ethically. Innovation begins here.

These skills include recognizing and managing our emotions, developing caring and concern for others, establishing positive relationships, making responsible decisions, and handling challenging situations constructively and ethically. They are the skills that allow children to calm themselves when angry, make friends, resolve conflicts respectfully, and make ethical and safe choices. More importantly, they ingrain an analytical and rapid decision making system, enhance memory & learning.

Many of the programs that teach SEQ skills have now been rigorously evaluated and found to have positive impacts. According to reliable research, schools are a highly effective setting for teaching SEQ skills. The benefits are permanent. Powered innovation and success becomes a habit.

SEQ is also a framework for school improvement. Teaching SEQ skills helps create and maintain safe, caring learning environments. The most beneficial SEQ programs provide sequential and developmentally appropriate instruction in SEQ skills. They are implemented in a coordinated manner, school wide, from preschool through high school. Lessons are reinforced in the classroom, during out-of-school activities, and at home. Educators receive ongoing professional development in SEQ. And families and schools work together to promote children’s social, emotional, and academic success. Instead of just achieving academic success due to ‘brilliance in a tunnel’, SEQ enables all round brilliance.


Benefits of SEQ

Schools that create socially and emotionally sound learning and working environments, and that help students and staff develop greater social and emotional competence, in turn help ensure positive short- and long-term academic and personal outcomes for students, and higher levels of teaching and work satisfaction for staff.

SEQ improves students’ positive behavior and reduces negative behavior.

It promotes young people’s academic success, health, and well-being at the same time that it prevents a variety of problems such as alcohol and drug use, violence, truancy, and bullying. A large body of scientific research has determined that effective SEQ in schools significantly improves student’s learning abilities, thought management processes, attitudes about self and others & social interactions. It also decreases their levels of emotional distress and conduct related problems.


SEQ is also associated with significant improvements in students’ academic performance and attitudes

A landmark review found that students who receive SEQ instruction had vastly improved academic abilities, more positive attitudes about school and improved an average of 11% on standardized achievement tests compared to students who did not receive such instruction.

SEQ prepares young people for success in adulthood.

SEQ helps students become good communicators, cooperative members of a team, effective leaders, and caring, concerned members of their communities. It teaches them how to set and achieve goals and how to persist in the face of challenges. These are precisely the skills that today’s employers consider important for the workforce of the future.


What are Q schools?

IQ is responsible for HIRING and SEQ for FIRING.

Lack of EQ is responsible for almost every problem that we face, not just at work, but even at home & in relationships.
Today it is believed that IQ is only 20% of learning, the rest 80% being SEQ.

Any school can be a Q school. Our Q schools have a customised environment for learning SEQ. The environment extends from the youngest students till the senior most.

SEQ cannot be taught directly. Q-schools have to create SEQ ‘environments’ modeled all throughout their workplace. They make SEQ something that is not talked about, rather something they just always do.

Of course in a new environment there are very good reasons to teach the important SEQ skills overtly at first too. For one, it gets us all to TALK about them- what they are, why they are important; and secondly, it gives us a chance to PRACTICE them. Practice is the key! How can we expect anyone, adult or a child, to use these skills in the real world when the going gets tough and things get dicey if we haven’t practiced them in better, more ideal conditions?

The Q schools have SEQ trained staff, a custom SEQ enabled environment, a SEQ overt learning program and a SEQ oversight & assessment program. Tremendous amounts of Dopamine is released by the adoption of SEQ skills & we all know how dopamine fires up the learning process, including improved memory, creativity and hundreds of other useful brain functions.

Q schools improve Academic Performance and Educational Outcomes

• In a quantitative review SEQ programs significantly decreased the number of suspensions and expulsions while improving school attendance, students’ attitudes towards school, students’ grades, and performance on achievement tests. The most impressive finding was students’ improvement on standardized test scores.
• Interventions designed to promote social and emotional development also improve long-term educational outcomes for students. They show significantly greater school commitment, a higher score, with much lower incidences of problem behaviors.

Q schools promote Deeper Understanding of Subject Matter

• Integrating social and emotional learning with academic instruction is a particularly effective way of promoting both social-emotional and academic competence. For instance, when students are asked to use SEQ skills such as perspective-taking and problem-solving to understand and analyze subject matter, learning in these content areas improves.
• SEQ encourages students to explore the values and behaviors of characters in a wide variety of fictional situations, and teaches them to consider the needs and perspectives of others. It positively impacted students’ attitudes, motives, and ethical values. Most remarkable among the findings was that students in schools where the intervention was well implemented outperformed comparison students on district achievement tests and achieved higher grade point averages in a four year follow-up study. Student’s reading comprehension scores also significantly improved.

Q schools help Students Learn Well with Others

• Incorporating cooperative learning techniques into the classroom enhances the quality of student learning and academic performance when compared to individualized learning. However, unless the students have good social and emotional skills, i.e., know how to manage and appropriately express emotions, solve problems, address conflicts, and understand the perspectives of others, the academic benefits of cooperative learning groups can be minimized or even negated.

Q schools increase Student Engagement in School

• Student perceptions of teachers’ warmth and support, and of teachers as promoters of positive and respectful social interactions in the classroom, are significant predictors of student’s academic motivation, engagement, and performance. Students who are emotionally connected to their peers, who have “bonded” with adults who value learning and expect high levels of academic performance, adopt the value of academic achievement and have a positive academic orientation.
• The quality of social relationships operating in and around schools predicts positive student outcomes. In schools characterized by high relational trust, educators are more likely to experiment with new practices and work together with parents to advance improvements. As a result, these schools are also more likely to demonstrate marked gains in student learning.

Q schools decrease Behaviors that Interfere with Learning

• SEQ programs, many of which have a prevention focus, decrease the prevalence of high-risk behaviors (e.g., student violence, and drug and alcohol use) that interfere with and detract from learning. SEQ interventions that emphasized active student participation and the exchange of ideas between peers led to the greatest decrease in students’ substance use. Likewise, SEQ programs that foster engagement in school report reductions in problem behaviors, student misconduct and rebellious behavior in school and violence and sexual activity in later life.

Rather than diverting schools from their primary academic mission, improving the social and emotional competence of students and the climate of schools advances it.
SEQ also ensures that schools will address a broader mission of educating students to be good problem-solvers and caring, responsible, and engaged citizens.
SEQL learning fortifies students with the basic skills they need to be successful in school and more importantly in life.

How are we a Q school?

Q schools save time. Students achieve more with less effort

To be a Q-School we will have to follow an Integrated Approach involving the school, the teachers, the students and the parents
Set up a SEQ environment
Have a SEQ trained staff
Deliver SEQ training packages for students – initial stages only
SEQ assessment
SEQ monitoring, Inspections & auditing
SEQ parenting

The ability to affect curriculum with our SEL practices is key, whether it’s choosing to be increasingly child-driven or writing our own lessons from our current curriculum.

This helps us see that most material can be taught in a variety of ways, some more effective than others.

It also reinforces that sometimes the process really is the content.

SEQ is a continuous looping structure when implemented effectively.

SEQ is not just about the students, it is equally about the teachers & other staff.

Building in time to reflect, both on school practices and personal growth, means this process loops upon itself.

Typically school programs have direct instruction, but miss the more subtle elements.

Where most programs fall short is that they:

– Focus on messaging Vs. skills

(e.g., “be nice” vs the skill of Increasing Empathy)

– Only provide direct instruction

(i.e., missing the integration into culture of the classroom / school)

– Only focus on students but not on the educators

– Stay at a cognitive / conceptual level

(i.e., teaching and idea vs developing integrity and commitment to applying that awareness)

Our SEQ training takes the time-burden off the students by increasing their learning abilities, skills, memory and EQ. They achieve more in lesser time with lesser effort. They can take on the world.

Without measurement of the specific competencies, the programs lose focus.

You get what you measure

The Q-teams will continuously monitor, inspect and audit the Q-programs for effectiveness and shall suggest course corrections along the way.

Unless the parents understand and implement SEQ at their ends, the program cannot be effective just from 8.30AM to 5.00PM.

SEQ has many layers.
The Q schools create a cultural approach to Social Emotional Intelligence permeated in the school daily life.
The staff and principal in particular have a symbolic approach (i.e walking the talk and creating symbolic moments and artifacts) that shows that Emotional Intelligence permeates the school culture.

They have a curriculum that is planned and ‘owned’ by staff that directly teaches EQ based on the direct needs of students.

SEQ will look different in every school and with every student population.

The Q schools are far ahead of the competition.


What we do?

Set up a custom environment where SEL is felt by everyone…

And powerfully too…….the results will speak for themselves. Join a globally powered family.


We build strong and permanent foundations for success
We start when they are small and hold their hands until they finish college
We provide children with the tools required for faster and easily achievable success
We Q school them
We gently transform them into Q children
The only SEQ provider in India that teaches the skills instead of just giving the message


The setup process:

Initial SEQ assessment I SEQ inventory I Setup and customize a SEQ environment I SEQ Teacher training & Teaching plans I SEQ parents I SEQ children

The monitoring process:

SEQ environment audits & inspections I SEQ seminars I SEQ competitions I SEQ intermediate assessments I SEQ Digital I SEQ camps I SEQ reconfigure

Benefits of being a Q-school:

  • Student support enabling greater achievements by the students
  • Less effort for more achievements & progress
  • Happier school, Happier parents, Happier teachers
  • Greater sharing & balancing of teacher-parents responsibilities
  • Fostering innovation and creating “innovation & creativity” pipelines
  • Time saved for other activities
  • Vastly reduced disciplinary problems
  • Enhanced ‘Learning’ and improved memory, REAL learning
  • Great loyalty to school and teacher
  • Control over, and marked reduction of, adolescent behavior & other behaviors which reduce or negatively impact Learning
  • Dopamine released through SEQ activities will provide enormous benefits which will be permanent

The Q schools are a part of a company that has a heart and truly cares.

The Q team is a council of extremely dedicated, experienced, visionary, qualified, well known national & international experts who have more than 450 years of collective organizational, corporate and educational experience in EQ, Leadership, Internal motivation, Internal resourcefulness, Child psychology and many other allied fields. They are backed by our in house content development and IT teams, and powered by our relentless passion to bring change and to commit any amount of resources at our disposal to do so.

We cannot afford to ignore the chaos around us anymore. We also cannot ignore the fact that innovation in India is severely lacking. If it does take place, it is usually only at the hands of people who have been, or are supported by others who have been working or studying abroad for some time – and at a much later age.

Why can’t our young people, who have been educated here in India, become more creative, innovative, sensitive, empathetic, mature, analytical problem handlers and wholesome learners?

Why was Myspace, Facebook, Hotmail or Google not founded in Indian hostels?

You cannot ignore the fact that our kids are unable to kill the child ego state and some of them behave like amateur loose cannons even in the confines of the best corporate environments. Our kids and other learners engage in behavior which takes away from learning more often and frequently than kids in most other parts of the world, and they continue this trend until their late 30’s or 40’s. They nod their heads in compliance, avoid brain storming & strangle their Internal Resources.

We wish to develop their SEQ before we lose another generation of untapped innovative brilliance.

Research behind the Q – we have no competition and we fear none. In 2004, we started out to do good in society and we shall abide by our guiding light & vision. Our research is largely developed in-house thus making our Q-Events, Q-Training and Q-camps absolutely unique and permanently effective.

We do refer to, borrow from, and build upon or adapt to the work of other experts in these fields and have no hesitation in stating that in the present context of EQ, we are deeply indebted to the founders of this concept Mr Daniel Goleman and to Roger P. Weissberg’s Casel group.

The Q schools are standing on the shoulders of giants, including our own.