NEW ADMISSION 2024-25 UNDER CSR2024 POLICY: All seats booked. Admission under normal affordable fees is open. CALL 80000 00921


Session 23-24 Academic Calendar


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360 degree Corporate English Teaching Plan

Please ask for a seminar to truly understand what Corporate English is.
It is a frictionless form of English which is used across the Fortune500 Corporate world. This is why you will never hear of any conflict or fighting inside these offices (and they employ more than half the global workforce).

Corporate English has many components to make it more synergetic, modulated and structured, with ‘Referral‘ formats, ‘Power Speaking‘, Thought Management, judging Impact vs Intent, as well as the 14 rules of corporate speaking.

This is apart from the etiquette and mannerisms of speaking English.

Of course, the vocabulary, accent, idioms & proverbs, phrases, grammar, fluency, writing skills, speaking skills, reading skills are all required as a prerequisite to learning Corporate English.

We have specially built RARP rooms to simulate kitchens, drawing rooms, bathrooms, malls, airports, public transport and many others with the objective of teaching the child more than 70,000 words of English over a 5 to 7 year period.

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